Monday, July 12, 2010

1 week clean

'Hi my name is Eva and I'm a food-a-holic...'

That's how I would've described myself a mere few weeks ago. And to be honest it may be a statement I feel as though I have to hold with me for the rest of my life.

... Or it may not.

For the first time in my life I feel as though I have hope of leading the life of my dreams (at least in the realm of physical health, at this time).

I have spent the past seven days (I suppose eight at the time of writing this). Eating more free from processed foods than I have ever been in my life.

This certainly isn't to say I've eaten 100% clean this the first week of my 6 month endeavor, but it has definitely been a step in the right direction.

I don't remember the last time I have cooked so much, let alone cooking in a way that benefits my body. The cool part is I am loving what I am eating and I don't feel hungry all of the time. (Yes I realize I sound like an infomercial).

I haven't really taken the time to describe how my new lifestyle has taught me how to eat my food so now seems like a good time.

I generally eat 5-6 times a day. I never (or do my best not to) wait more than 3 hours between 'meals' (as the body goes into starvation mode and stores what you eat past this allotted time as fat).

Each meal is composed of protein and a complex carb. Protein to build muscle (not like a body builder as I'm not working out like one but the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism). And the complex carb (generally a vegetable or a grain like brown rice, some kind of bean, once in a while a fruit). The carb helps the body to absorb the protein to use for the muscle.

By the way, I'm sure a real expert would real my 'kindergarten' description of these processes and withhold my sticker but I'm putting it the best way I know how, but hopefully the concepts are correct.

I've also upped my water intake and am trying to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. Trying. Trying.

This week has been crazy busy for me at work so I have been unable to get to the gym my regular 4 times (2 for weight training and 2 for cardio). I missed one of my sessions due to an 'emergency' and this week looks like it could turn out the same way, however I plan to do my damndest to make it happen.

All that being said I lost a pound!

Ok so a pound doesn't sound all that great but it really is considering I'm at my last 15 to loose. And considering I feel as though I eat all of the time (seriously every 2 1/2 - 3 hours!!) I find it astounding!

I also have been in several 'out to eat' situations this week. Six in all (Wow that's ridiculous! Four were for work. I wish that meant work paid for them). Considering this and how I have always looked at 'going out' as a reason to get what ever I wanted. I'd say 1 pound really is astounding.

How have I dealt with the restaurant factor?

Well, Wally and I have researched and looked up many of the eateries that we'd generally find ourselves in. We've looked at nutritional information and assessed the options.

It's normal for up to look up all of these things before going out now.

In reality strict eating 'clean' is pretty much impossible to do at a restaurant (unless you find a rare one that has the same views on clean eating). But there are ways you can try your best to clean up what you are eating.

Examples: Have your salad dry (I know, this is hard core), or look for a vinaigrette (is that right?) dressing. By no means am I saying they all would be best but I know half EVOO and half vinegar is what the doctor is ordering.

Whole grains and things that aren't bleached to death are also things to look for.

Saturday a young lady I was supporting wanted to go to McDonald's, my second trip there in 3 days, and I was strapped for cash. I had bought the spicy chicken Thai salad, which was surprisingly yummy but also not so cheap.

I did my best guessing and ordered 2 grilled chicken snack wraps.

I didn't realize they came in white tortillas. Nor did I realize how accustomed to whole grain tortillas I had gotten. I took the first bite and was sure my tortilla was actually formed, dried out paste. Yuck!

I read the nutritional info. as I ate and decided that I would have to save my other wrap for my next meal (as I hadn't pre planned one because I thought I was only working for a couple of hours). I had put it in the fridge of the young lady and tried to remember to take it home later.

I briefly thought of throwing it out but the frugal part of me couldn't do it. As I was driving home I had realized I'd forgotten it. I was actually glad. I couldn't take another over processed bit of it.

Now Wally and I haven't eaten white breads and grains in years, it's been a gradual change but still, I would never have been affected by it like this a few months ago. Of course we are accustomed to the change of taste and prefer whole wheat, aside from that though now I know more of how hard my body has to work to digest and precess these processed food and I think twice before putting something like that in my mouth.

All in all, though I have struggled very hard at times to keep my resolve to eat clean, or cleaner (especially Saturday night after an exhausting day at work), I have been able so far to do my best to make good choices.

Week 1 of 26 = success. I'd give myself a 7.5 overall. Still lots of room for improvement.

Here's hoping that's the direction I choose to take!

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